POSITIVE BODY LANGUAGE IS MUST:- It's no secret that the secret to success is acting like you are successful already. Having good body language is like two voices proclaiming your praises instead of one. In addition, people are always more likely to remember what they see, and a few seconds of body movement can be worth an entire interview of words. But how does one go about getting better body language? Read the following tips to get a better idea of how to sell yourself using your posture and expression:
Stand Straight Slouching gives the impression that you have something to hide. For this reason, many evil cartoon characters are given hunches and furtive, huddling walks. Keep your head up and smile as you walk. Relax, and let your arms hang at your sides. This walk will give someone the impression that you have nothing to hide, and that you are used to being listened to.
Show Animation
Use your hands while you speak. Making hand motions increases the chances that people will pay attention to you. Also, being animated helps someone get excited about a project or story that you are describing to them. Excitement spreads, if there is someone to spread it.
Pay Attention
One of the key aspects of good body language is paying attention to someone, and also looking like you are paying attention. Nodding the head occasionally and making positive remarks will let someone know that you are interested in what they are saying. Take notes, if that is appropriate.
Speak Carefully and Slowly
When someone is nervous or unsure of themselves, they often tend to speak at a rapid pace. Speaking slowly and calmly will give someone a sense of your calm. Speaking at a moderate pace will make you look, feel and act more confident.
Make Eye Contact
Looking someone in the eye is an easy way to let them know that you are confident. Because this look is traditionally challenging, it sends the message that you are not afraid to stand up for your goals. Try not to meet the eye for too long. Maintain contact for as long as you feel is necessary, and then look somewhere else.
Keep your Body Relaxed
Tension spreads through people. When someone is nervous and tense, other people have that same sense of urgency. Take deep breaths and let yourself relax before an important meeting or date. Let arms hang loose and keep shoulders and head in a relaxed and straight position.
Break the Invisible Wall
People often keep a sphere of personal space around themselves. Stepping into this space for a minute will help gain confidence. Touching a hand, shoulder or shaking hands with a firm grasp are all signs of confidence and strength.
Use Decisive Movements
The more you appear to be in charge, the more people will approve of you. Keep your movement brisk and to the point, and you will appear to get many things done at once.
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Stand Straight Slouching gives the impression that you have something to hide. For this reason, many evil cartoon characters are given hunches and furtive, huddling walks. Keep your head up and smile as you walk. Relax, and let your arms hang at your sides. This walk will give someone the impression that you have nothing to hide, and that you are used to being listened to.
Show Animation
Use your hands while you speak. Making hand motions increases the chances that people will pay attention to you. Also, being animated helps someone get excited about a project or story that you are describing to them. Excitement spreads, if there is someone to spread it.
Pay Attention
One of the key aspects of good body language is paying attention to someone, and also looking like you are paying attention. Nodding the head occasionally and making positive remarks will let someone know that you are interested in what they are saying. Take notes, if that is appropriate.
Speak Carefully and Slowly
When someone is nervous or unsure of themselves, they often tend to speak at a rapid pace. Speaking slowly and calmly will give someone a sense of your calm. Speaking at a moderate pace will make you look, feel and act more confident.
Make Eye Contact
Looking someone in the eye is an easy way to let them know that you are confident. Because this look is traditionally challenging, it sends the message that you are not afraid to stand up for your goals. Try not to meet the eye for too long. Maintain contact for as long as you feel is necessary, and then look somewhere else.
Keep your Body Relaxed
Tension spreads through people. When someone is nervous and tense, other people have that same sense of urgency. Take deep breaths and let yourself relax before an important meeting or date. Let arms hang loose and keep shoulders and head in a relaxed and straight position.
Break the Invisible Wall
People often keep a sphere of personal space around themselves. Stepping into this space for a minute will help gain confidence. Touching a hand, shoulder or shaking hands with a firm grasp are all signs of confidence and strength.
Use Decisive Movements
The more you appear to be in charge, the more people will approve of you. Keep your movement brisk and to the point, and you will appear to get many things done at once.
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