Monday, May 11, 2009

Why being a glass half full person is a good thingPosted:

Why being a glass half full person is a good thing

Are you a glass half empty kind of person?
The phrase is used to describe pessimists and people who have a negative outlook on life.
I have from time to time been described as a glass half empty kind of person.
I like to think of myself as an optimistic, positive person. I believe that when people put their minds to it they can achieve amazing things.
But sometimes I find it too easy to be critical. Finding fault in things is my weakness, and sometimes it is mistaken for negativity and I get the “glass half empty” label. But it is only when we are dissatisfied with things that things change, and improve. Improvement tends to be because of the “glass half empty” people
The glass half full people are happy, contented with life, pleased with the status quo. You can’t expect them to change anything, why should they when things are fine.
Why change things if you already think the glass is half full?
Why wouldn’t you change things if you think the glass is only half empty.
Be proud of being a glass half empty person. We need people who are not content with the way things are, All progress is dependant on them.
George Bernard Shaw said it better than me when he said,“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

jayant singh
pgdm IIIRD

Why being a glass half full person is a good thingPosted:

Why being a glass half full person is a good thing

Are you a glass half empty kind of person?
The phrase is used to describe pessimists and people who have a negative outlook on life.
I have from time to time been described as a glass half empty kind of person.
I like to think of myself as an optimistic, positive person. I believe that when people put their minds to it they can achieve amazing things.
But sometimes I find it too easy to be critical. Finding fault in things is my weakness, and sometimes it is mistaken for negativity and I get the “glass half empty” label. But it is only when we are dissatisfied with things that things change, and improve. Improvement tends to be because of the “glass half empty” people
The glass half full people are happy, contented with life, pleased with the status quo. You can’t expect them to change anything, why should they when things are fine.
Why change things if you already think the glass is half full?
Why wouldn’t you change things if you think the glass is only half empty.
Be proud of being a glass half empty person. We need people who are not content with the way things are, All progress is dependant on them.
George Bernard Shaw said it better than me when he said,“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

jayant singh
pgdm IIIRD

Why being a glass half full person is a good thingPosted:

Why being a glass half full person is a good thing

Are you a glass half empty kind of person?
The phrase is used to describe pessimists and people who have a negative outlook on life.
I have from time to time been described as a glass half empty kind of person.
I like to think of myself as an optimistic, positive person. I believe that when people put their minds to it they can achieve amazing things.
But sometimes I find it too easy to be critical. Finding fault in things is my weakness, and sometimes it is mistaken for negativity and I get the “glass half empty” label. But it is only when we are dissatisfied with things that things change, and improve. Improvement tends to be because of the “glass half empty” people
The glass half full people are happy, contented with life, pleased with the status quo. You can’t expect them to change anything, why should they when things are fine.
Why change things if you already think the glass is half full?
Why wouldn’t you change things if you think the glass is only half empty.
Be proud of being a glass half empty person. We need people who are not content with the way things are, All progress is dependant on them.
George Bernard Shaw said it better than me when he said,“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

jayant singh
pgdm IIIRD

Why you will never get what you want.Posted:

How much do you desire your goals?
Desire is the fire in your belly that will get you where you want to go.Desire is one of the first steps to take towards any goal.
But not just any desire, this desire must be powerful to move mountains, or at least YOU!
Your desire must be able to modify your behaviour if you expect to reach your goal. For example, if your goal is to lose weight and your desire to achieve your goal is not strong enough to stop eating the wrong food, you will not lose weight. The key to this is your desire.
Your desire must mean sacrifice to get what you want.You see, most people do not succeed because people are not willing to sacrifice aspects of their lives.“I wish I could diet more but I really like burgers.”“I can’t exercise tonight, my favourite TV show is on.”When a person cannot give up a favourite TV for his goal, then the desire for that goal is too weak.
To achieve a life changing goal such as losing weight needs huge behavioural change. The desire to lose weight must be cultivated. You’ve got to want it. You must increase your desire until your desire will begin to change your behaviour
You know your desire is serious when you cannot get to sleep at night because you are consumed with the thoughts of changing.When you miss meals because the thoughts of your desire enrapture you so much and leave your conscious mind room for little else.
Your desire must pull you from one state of being to another state of being. Your old state of being represents your bad habits and slack thoughts. The new state of being represents the changed you, the new you that is able to reach your goal. Remaining in your old state would have meant never reaching your goal.
Once you have reached your new state you will find reaching your goal takes no effort at all. It was the way your state of being that was holding you back. Once you realised you didn’t need the shackles, they just fell away.When desire is strong enough the path to your goal will seem easy, you will be carried along by your new state of mind, your subconscious flowing effortlessly before you defeating all obstacles in the path.
A man went to a man who had knowledge and asked to be taught the truth.The wise man turned to the seeker of truth, “when you want to know the truth, I will tell you.”“But I do want to know the truth, I have told everyone in my village.”The wise man took a stick and played with a leaf on the ground. “When you want to know the truth, I will tell you.”The young man from the village pleaded with the wise man to be told the truth.The wise man looked towards the horizon, “Come with me.” And strode off at a brisk pace with the young man following.Eventually they came to the sea and the wise man waded into the sea waist high. The young man followed him and waited patiently. The wise man then grabbed him and held the young man under water until his lungs burned from lack of air.

jayant singh

pgdn IIIrd

Dealing With Deat

Dealing With Death

I like to think you never really deal with death, rather it deals with you. You have no control over it, only the time and manner. Dealing with the death of a loved one seems the hardest thing in the world. You don’t really understand what sadness really is or it’s depth until you have experienced the death of a close one. Taken away and never to return.

OK sure, depending on your religious belief you may think a number of things may be going on. I think the one where everyone is in white and hangs around on a cloud is the hardest to believe. I this much, we are all stardust and death does not change this.

In fact, it’s not death or what happens at death that’s the weird thing, it’s why the hell we are alive in the first place. I suppose I could pick a religion that is the closest to my belief and then take comfort in that, but then what if it’s not the right one. I mean there are so many to pick from, pagen, christian, jewish, animist, islamic. Have I really got time to check them all out to find the right one? Then there are different splinters within the religion, last count there was about 1,600 different Christian religions.

If God exists, do you think she has made it deliberately difficult?

jayant singh
pgdm IIIrd