You don't need a Myers Briggs Personality Test to know if your personality type is working for or against you! Here are the Big Five Personality Traits & how they work.
Your Big Five Personality Traits affect your health, relationships, goals, achievements, professional success, and even your spiritual life. Your whole life is affected both positively and negatively by your Big Five Personality Traits!
In fact, some people believe there is such thing as a "cancer personality." If someone has a cancer personality, it's believed that their characteristics actually create toxins that work against their immune system, leaving them defenseless against certain diseases. Or, they repress negative emotions that create toxins, which can lead to terminal illnesses.
Your Big Five Personality Traits don't include the "cancer personality" (if such a thing exists). The fundamental five personality characteristics - called the "Big Five Personality Traits" among psychologists - were once thought to remain the same since childhood. Now, experts believe the Big Five Personality Traits change over time.
The Big Five Personality Traits
1. Conscientiousness. You're organized and disciplined, dedicated and loyal – especially at work. Excellent performances and strong commitments are standard. Of all the Big Five Personality Traits, this one will take you far in your career.
2. Agreeableness. You're friendly, pleasant and easy to be around; your relationships are mostly strong. You're a social creature, and get your energy from being around other people. This Big Five Personality Trait opens many doors!
3. Neuroticism. You feel anxiety, and you worry often. Your anxiety can make you emotionally unstable, and you're more likely to struggle with depression and sadness. This Big Five Personality Trait can lead to physical ill health.
4. Openness. You love adventures and trying new things; you're insightful and imaginative. Creativity adds spice to your life, and you're not afraid to take risks. People with this Big Five Personality Trait are often risk takers.
5. Extroversion. You're assertive, talkative, and don't mind being the centre of attention (in fact, you prefer it!). Being alone isn't your favorite activity; in fact, the more the merrier. This Big Five Personality Trait is found in extroverts all over the world!
Are your Big Five Personality Traits working for or against you? If your personality traits hold you back, damage your relationships, interfere with your work, or cause pain, then you may be ripe for a to make some personality changes!
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