To present a good impression, you must act like you weren't raised in a barn! It is difficult dealing with those having no manners or concern for others. A huge societal issue is a general lack of respect for what has been taught in history regarding human concern and compassion towards acquaintances
1)Think things out before speaking, especially if you are poor at finding the right words. Don't start sentences with awkward 'ums' and 'ers' in between. Practice speaking to a mirror, it works! It increases confidence in speaking, and it sounds much clearer; you may find you'll be using fewer 'ums' and 'ers' next time!
2)Phone Etiquette
Don’t phone before 7:00 am and after 9:00 pm [unless in an emergency or an important overseas call]. Also avoid calling people during mealtimes. People don't expect you to drop in and visit at these times, unless it is arranged. This includes texting, though you would obviously not text for emergencies.
3)Give gratitude and be thankful. If someone gives you a gift, goes out of their way for you or provides an appreciated service, write a thank-you note. Not an email unless you are at work, and you should still write a thank-you note for a gift. Saying "thank you" is just not enough. Always keep thank-you cards in your office and home. Be thankful for what others do or have done for you.
4)Some people think spelling things wrong is normal. It's actually a sign of bad manners and poor intelligence. If you don't care enough to spell it right, you're insulting the recipient.Use proper grammar and spelling. Use a dictionary when composing a note, letter or email. It's essential. Your words and the context of your message will be understood and not require re-reading.
Treat to speak to others as you would like to be spoken to and treated. Having manners is like the Golden Rule of social behaviour.
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