Thursday, October 1, 2009

EFFECTIVE PUBLIC SPEEKING: Public speaking is a skill that is very valuable for a chiropractor to develop. That is because delivering effective public speeches:
· Builds your reputation and helps to establish you as an expert in your field; and, · Provides a way for you to communicate with more people who could be potential patients or who might refer you to other potential patients.
Learning to deliver effective public speeches also helps one's other communications skills such as communicating individually with patients.
Here are several tips for speaking more effectively:
1. Pick a title for your speech that is attention getting and weak peak the attention of your target audience. Besides delivering your speech effectively, the title is the most important element that determines the size of your audience. 2. Make sure the title is of interest to your audience. Brainstorm several titles and pick the one you feel will be of most interest to the audience. 3. Know your audience and communicate with them on a level they understand. 4. Establish one or more objectives for your speech. For example, one objective could be to create interest in a Fibromyalgia treatment program you are offering. 5. Prepare an outline for your speech. An outline helps you present your speech in a logical and well-organized way. 6. Use inflection in your delivery. A monotone delivery style could put your audience to sleep! 7. Use eye contact. By looking at members of the audience during your presentation, you will build rapport. 8. Be interactive. Involve your audience in the speech. Ask for their opinion. Invite questions. 9. Make sure you have a "call to action" at the end of every speech. A "call to action" is a request that your audience take a certain action. For example, tell the audience that if they would like more information about the topic you presented, they should leave their name and contact information. 10. At the end of your speech, thank your audience for the opportunity to speak to them. 11. Write a personal thank you note to the person who arranged for your speaking appearance. 12. Circulate a feedback questionnaire to be completed by your audience. Questions could include:
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