Thursday, November 19, 2009

personal grooming

To maintain leather goods for longer, oil and polish your leather shoes regularly. Leather dries and it can crack if it becomes too dry. Use a quality saddle soap or beeswax to oil the shoes and then apply a polish to clean them, making them shine.
Store leather shoes away from heat, even if they get wet. Stuff tissue paper or an absorbent cloth inside the wet shoes and allow them a few days to dry. Putting them near a heat source to dry causes the leather to dry too much, and it may crack.
Slip your foot into the shoes using a shoe horn. This keeps the back of the shoe from becoming worn and damaged over time. Most leather is soft and supple and gets pressed down when the shoe is slipped on. A shoe horn makes the leather stand up.
Fine jewellery requires care even though it is made from some of the most durable substances on earth. Lotions, powders, soaps and natural skin oils can cause deposits that dull the surface of a diamond or gem stone.
Regular cleaning to remove such deposits from ordinary wear will help ensure your diamond or gem remains sparkling. One of the safest methods to clean jewellery at home is with a soft toothbrush and warm, soapy water.
Care must be taken to not scratch the jewellery when cleaning. Then, rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth.
In case of imitation jewellery, avoid contact with water and perfume. As soon as you remove them, wipe them with dry cotton and keep then in airtight zip-lock bags.
Rajan prasad singh

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