Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Are You Struggling to Meditate Because of These 3 Common Problems?

Many people have trouble when first starting to meditateThese problems usually take the form of distraction, worry, restlessness or physical pain.This article will give you some valuable tips for dealing with these common problems.Distracting thoughts can be a big problem for beginning meditators to deal with.The best way is to dismiss distracting thoughts by focusing your attention inward, into the darkness inside your mind, as if you were looking at the wall of a cave. But in this case the cave wall is the inside of your own head.Worry is a more difficult problem to deal with and is best done by becoming fully aware of the thought but not getting emotionally involved with it.Restlessness or physical pain may be due to your posture, although it may have a deeper psychological origin.Then again, it could be that you are simply not used to sitting still.If it is obviously your posture, you could adopt a more natural sitting position.Some meditation techniques are done sitting cross legged on the floor. Whilst this may be ok for youngsters, older meditators can do it sitting in a chair.If the restlessness or pain is not caused by your sitting position and you don't have a real physical condition, it may have a deeper psychological cause and you may have to "tough it out."By that I mean you have to "look" at the sensations in your body and become fully aware of them. Your body is a reflection your inner mind and, unlike distractions, should not be ignored.These are just a few of the more common problems faced by beginning meditators and, with a little perseverance, can be overcome.* Distraction is best dealt with by dismissing the distracting thoughts.* Worry is more difficult and requires you to look "inward."* Restlessness and physical pain can be caused by:* 1. Bad or uncomfortable posture and is dealt with by usinga chair or a more suitable type of chair.* 2. Deeper psychological cause which means that youmay have to "look" more intently at what your bodyis "telling you."

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