Wednesday, November 11, 2009

There are few among us who don’t strive every day to improve their personality.
The ways we try to improve ourselves may range from minor external changes, such as a new suit or a new look, to more serious internal changes, as we try to improve our outlook on life or our ability to interact with other people.
The latter, obviously, are more difficult than, say, going to the hair salon.
Still, it’s not unrealistic to try to improve your character and personality. Below are just a few easy tips on how you can improve your personality:
1. Find qualities in those around you.
Look at everyone around you and find something to like about them. What makes this person likeable or admirable? What attaches you to them? Let them know about it, and boost their self-esteem. Meanwhile, try to promote those qualities in yourself as well.
2. There’s a lot to like about you, too.
Don’t forget that you’re interesting and admirable yourself. There’s nothing wrong with patting yourself on the back occasionally, since it can help us approach other people. Make it a foregone conclusion that other people should enjoy interacting with you. (
how to do this?)
3. We all have our flaws.
That includes you! No one is perfect, and simply admitting that fact can be a huge step. If we are too hard on ourselves, or complete perfectionists, we can often do more harm than good.
4. Mingle with positive thinkers.
The last thing you need when trying to improve yourself are people who think improvement is impossible, who look at the entire world, at themselves, and at you, with nothing but pessimism. Choose your company wisely; their own outlook will affect your attitude towards life. Find friends who will build you up, not burden you with doubts.
5. People are interesting.
It’s a simple fact that bears repeating: you can find something interesting about almost anyone, even those who seem ordinary at first glance. Each person is a universe. Show genuine curiosity about the people you meet!
6. Embrace the new.
Don’t let yourself stagnate. Always make a point of exploring new things, and you’ll discover unexpected talents and qualities in yourself. Take up a new hobby, or open an unfamiliar book. Take a dance class. The possibilities are endless.7. Set out for uncharted territory.
Go explore a new part of the world. Sometimes a change of scenery can offer a fresh perspective on ourselves, and on life. Go somewhere you’ve never been, or redecorate your home.
These are just a few techniques for improving your personality. Self-improvement is a constant process; you’ll never wake up one morning and realize that you’re perfect. Growth is an ongoing part of life.

shambhu kant
pgdm, 3rd sem, A

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